Your Next Application

Blueprint is an open-source starter kit built to help you get your project off the ground faster so you can focus less on the tedious setup and more on building incredible experiences for your users.

Built using a modern tech stack.

Blueprint includes the features you need without being feature bloated.

Powered by Vercel

Blueprint uses both Next.js 14 and Turborepo as its build system. Deployed on Vercel.

Shadcn UI Components

Beautifully designed, accessible, and customizable UI components built by shadcn.


Blueprint uses MySQL for the database solution and is deployed using PlanetScale out of the box.


Simplify database management including queries, migrations, and modelling with a typesafe ORM.


Build powerful, scalable, and end-to-end type-safe APIs with TypeScript.

Next Auth

Add authentication flows, manage users, and secure application routes with middleware using Next Auth.


The best package for sending emails to your users. Create email templates with ease using React Email.


Manage payments, subscriptions, and more with Stripe. Blueprint comes with Stripe integration out of the box so you can start earning faster.

Have a feature suggestion?

We're always looking to improve Blueprint. If you have a feature suggestion, we'd love to hear it!